Computer Science 1 Ahsan Amin

This web page is for my Computer Science 1 class.
We are learning to code in C#. I have several assignment I have to show
you, programing is difficult but I call it hard fun.

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Goodbye Program


In this Program we changed "Goodbye" into 4 different languages.

Mailing Label


This program takes in the information of the user (like name, address, etc.), and puts them into a mailing label.

Car Rental


In "Car Rental", the user's info is entered in and displayed, along with manager stats and total miles/prices.
To see Program scroll down and see updated version.



This program calculates your BMI (Body Mass Index).

Car Rental Update


In "Car Rental", the user's info is entered in and displayed, along with manager stats and total miles/prices. Also in this version you have the option of getting upgrades.

Test score


This program requires two test scores to be entered into the text boxes. It will then determine which of the two scores is higher and the average test scores for the two scores calculated.

Dice Program


This program simulates the event of two dice being rolled. As you roll, the probability of rolling each number will be calculated.

Craps Program


This program runs the popular casino game Craps.

T Shirt


This project is a cashier program for a shirt store. This program can calculate manager stats, the total price of all orders, and account for add-ons including monograms and pockets.

Slot Machine


This program simulates a casino slot machine. The program keeps track of the grand total and losses.

Rock Paper Scissor Program


This project is the game Rock Paper scissors .

Fish Tank


This project moves a fish left and right in a tank, and keeps track of how many times it moves. It should also stay in place when it hits the side of the tank.

Fish Tank 2D


This project moves a fish left and right in a tank, and keeps track of how many times it moves. It should also stay in place when it hits the side of the tank.



This project moves a fish left and right in a tank, and keeps track of how many times it moves. It should also stay in place when it hits the side of the tank.

Tic Tac Toe


This project is a copy of the classic game Tic Tac Toe.



This project is a copy of the classic game Tic Tac Toe.

Basic AI Game


In this game you use the AWSD keys to move your character away from the red dot which chases you.

Star Field


This Program creates a background in which you move through Space.


In this program the fish automatically move. If it touches the shark then it floats to the bottom. Also there is a Boat with an anchor moving moving side to side. If it touches the Anchor then it floats to the bottom